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My air conditioner does not cool enough, what are the solution?

My air conditioner does not cool enough, what are the solution?

It is obviously the biggest problem that an air conditioner can present, is that it does not its job.
There are many reasons why a Cooling or it may stop working and not on or not give all the cold (or hot), it should.

Some causes may be due to the machine itself, but at other times, there are external factors that can cause a malfunction or a decrease in machine performance. Let's look at some causes.

⇒ Some External Causes Why Air Conditioning Does Not Work
Air conditioners are quite complex machines that can be affected by environmental mean and cause them not to work properly or not to reach or work.

One of the main external causes that affect an air conditioner is the accumulation of dust and dirt. As most people know, the interior machines of air conditioners have filters that retain du and dirt and prevent them from accumulating inside the machine. These filters must be cleaned periodically, since if they do not reduce the passage of airt the machine and in addition to reducing the ow of air leaving the air conditioning machine, they can also cause it to break due to overheating.

What many people do not know, is that the outside machine also must be cleaned periodically, since they also have a grid in which a lot of dirt accumulates, more even than in the interior machine, since it is in the street.

It is really more important than the grill of the outdoor machine is cleaner than that of the indoor one, since for the air conditioner to cool properly it is necessary that it is good for air circulation through the outdoor unit and this is only achieved by maintaining the grill reasonably clean.

Another very important factor is the correct ventilation of the outdoor unit. Together with the correct cleaning of the grid of the outdoor unit, it is also necessary that the outdoor unit is properly ventilated; that is, it must have a good circulation of outside air. An air conditioner stops working if the outdoor unit exceeds 50 0 60 ° C.

This past summer of 2015, which has been very hot, I have received a multitude of notice from customers telling me that their air conditioning stopped working early in the afternoon.

When I arrived at his house, I found that the outdoor unit was, either inside a laundry room, inside a wooden drawer, in a false plaster ceiling and with a grid almost closed in front, ... and the atmosphere in the area The machine looked like an oven. And the problem has been solved, either by opening more the windows or by removing the panels that kept the machine locked.

These are solutions that you can apply yourself and if the problem lay there, it will be solved.
⇒ Internal Air Conditioning Problems that may cause you not to turn on.

There are many internal reasons why the best ac in Bangladesh, although as I mentioned before, Air Conditioners are very complex machines that require a qualified professional to diagnose and repair it.

My advice is that if after cleaning the interior and exterior liters, and having tried to ensure good ventilation of the outdoor unit, the air conditioner still does not work, call a qualified and authorized professional to check your device. Virtually all the checks and measurements that are necessary to perform in an air conditioner to see where the problem may require professional tools and devices that you will hardly have at home.

Some of the problems or internal failures can be Lack of gas, failure due to wear of the condenser of the compressor or fan, failure of the electronic board, deterioration of the power or interconnection cables, a blown fuse, blockage of the machine.

Many of these failures are worth repairing and others have to weigh other reasons, such as machine location, current economic situation, etc. ...

⇒ Is it worth investing in the repair or having it checked?
Without a doubt, YES, since the option of buying a new machine directly and having it installed, far exceeds the price that any qualified technician charges you for going to check it and repair it.


portable air conditioner in Bangladesh

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